“Fit your own mask first before helping others”

As a team we recently boarded an EasyJet Airbus A319 to Stanstead airport as we headed due south to learn more about bettering ourselves and our clinic.

As we sat preparing for departure, as with any flight we were taken through the standard safety information talk;

Stow your bags safely underneath the seat in front of you,

Wear your seatbelt unless moving around the cabin,

In case of emergency place your own facemask on before helping others.

As it was spoken, this last comment really struck a chord.

We should help ourselves first in order to then help others….

I can’t tell you how many people I have worked with recently in clinic who are treading water, surviving through life on next to no reserve energy.

These are often life’s ‘good eggs’. The ‘givers’. The ‘helpers’. ‘The rescuers’. The ‘I know if I was in trouble I could call Jeanie and she’d sort it out’ kinda people.

But being that reliable person who also wants to help usually comes at a cost.

As humans our nervous systems are designed to peak in stressful situations but only in short bursts. However when stress is chronic and we don’t work to recharge our batteries or down regulate that response, not only does our health and well-being suffer but those of our loved ones can too.

How present can we be with our children when we stayed up all of the previous working on the computer instead of going to bed?

How well can we look after our elderly parents when we don’t take time to eat well ourselves?

How can we have the energy to help a friend going through a tough time when we don’t prioritise time for the things that bring us joy?

So I ask you this… what activities, environments, people or situations revitalise you??

What can you prioritise in your life that can improve your energy, health, patience and well-being. Even if you can commit to just 30 mins per week that is a great start.

If we can show up as the best versions of ourselves, everyone wins so make sure you get that mask on yourself first because you’re no use to anyone else (or yourself) without that vital, life-giving air.

‘til next time,

Francesca x


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David’s Chiropractic Journey - pain to peaks!